CIRCUMFERENCES:A: natural waistlineB: hip circumference just above the hip boneC: hip circumference at its widest pointC-front: half hip circumference at its widest point from side to side on the frontC-back: half hip circumference at its widest point from side to side on the backD: crotch circumferenceE: leg circumference at its widest pointDISTANCES:A-B: from the waistline to the hip bone lineA1-B1: from waistline to hip bone on the sideA1-C1: from waistline to the widest point of the hips on the sideA1-D1: from waistline to the crotch line on the sideA1-F1: from the waistline to the knee on the sideA1-G1: from waistline to the bottom of the pants on the sideD-H2: from the crotch to the bottom of the pants on the inner side