Lorenzo was born in Milan in 1997 in a very open minded family that always motivated them to pursue his passion for the arts. Drawing, painting and playing with every kind of materials has always been their greatest passions since they were really young. Making dresses with towels and curtains for their little sister and themself was also a big passion of theirs as for many other little queer beings that would turn out to be queer fashion designers!
Of course, being so queer at such a young age hasn’t been easy, but still, Lorenzo managed to come out to his family at 13. His passion for fine arts became stronger and stronger as they attended the Liceo Artistico DI Brera where they also discovered their passion for fashion and tailoring.
That led them to sign up to a BA in fashion design at NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan.
After being selected for several fashion shows as one of the best Italian fashion design students, in late 2019 he graduated with best grades cum laude with his thesis about the queer revolution that exploded in the 80s and 90s in Italy and his “Queer Revolution ss2020” collection.
In early 2020 he showcased “Queer Revolution” ss2020 at Alta Roma, Rome’s high fashion week.
Unfortunately, less than a month later the COVID-19 pandemic spread all around the world ,making the approach to the business world very difficult for Lorenzo. Still, they managed to design and sew their ss2021 collection, “Queer Asmarina”, that focuses on the bond between the East African culture and the LGBTQ+ community in Milan. In October 2020 Lorenzo, for the first time, organized their own fashion showand presented “Queer Asmarina - ss2022” to the public.
Between the end of 2020 and early 2022 Lorenzo focused on the brand's business and started selling their designs all over the world, publishing on some of the best fashion magazines and dressing celebrities and queer icons like Maneskin, Bimini Bon Boulash, Crystal Methyd, Bosco and so on.
After two years, in spring 2022, Lorenzo finally started working on their new collection that will be presented during September's fashion week.